Frequently Asked Question

Instructions on Host IP configurations for multiple camera connection
Last Updated 2 years ago

Camera detection:
a. Send link reset on all the links using "LinkReset()"

b. Try to find cameras on both OR one of the discovery speeds (DISCOVERY_SPEED_1, DISCOVERY_SPEED_3) using "LinkSetSpeed()"

c. Write a unique id to MasterHostId register (0x4008) of all links where LINK_STATE = LINK_STATE_MASTER to determine which links are associated to which camera using WRITE_DEVICE_REG(DEVICE_HOSTLINKID_REG, unique_id_for_each_camera );

d. Read the DEVICE_HOSTLINKID_REG of all connected links and associate the links to each camera. i.e create a link mask for each camera where the DEVICE_HOSTLINKID_REG is the same. This will later be used to configure the stream arbiter and decoder.

e. Change the camera speed to a higher speed (either default defined by the camera or your selection) using "DeviceSetDefaultSpeed()"

f. Change the host links of a specific camera (found in section [.d]) to the new default speed using "LinkSetSpeed()"

Stream Configuration:
a. Set the StreamPacketSizeMax which determines the host maximum stream buffer which can be received from the device using WRITE_DEVICE_REG(DEVICE_STREAMSIZE_REG,STREAM_SIZE_MAX);

b. Notice that when you want to configure the connection to different cameras you must set different connection masks for each arbiter:
set arbiter select in "CAM SELECT" (0x40)
set link mask where camera is connected in "ARB SEL" (0x3C)

c. Then you should connect a decoder to that arbiter which will define the stream where you can connect a buffer.
This can be done by selecting the arbiter which is the source where data is coming from (i.e camera that is connected on specified links):

set decoder register to the arbiter index you would like as a source in "DEC SEL" (0x34) = 0x2034 address

d. Read the Image1StreamID from the camera and configure it in map register of the selected decoder using
uint32_t streamMap = (streamId = value from Image1StreamID register. streamLinkMask = camera links mask

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