Frequently Asked Question

How to locate KAYA Instruments software logs
Last Updated about a month ago

The name of the log file written by KAYA's library is derived from the name of the primary executable with the addition of process ID and timestamp. A separate log file is created for each application, which uses KAYA API.

For example name of the log file written when you run the Vision Point application looks like this: VisionPoint[1376]_20170827_124408.log


Log files are located here: /var/log/KAYA_Instruments


The log files are created and override each time the application is launched. Default directory: C:\ProgramData\KAYA Instruments\Logs\

KAYA's log folder also can be easily opened using one of the two ways listed below:

  1. Choose the Log files folder under KAYA Instruments from the quick start:
  2. image
  3. Using Vision Point application. Enter the "Help" tab and click on the "Open logs folder" option.
  4. image

NOTE: You can find the Vision Point the application installation log files here:
C:\Program Files\KAYA Instruments\Log\Installer\

Logs retaining policy

Users may configure the retaining policy of the log files by using the following setting in the registry:

  1. Number of files to keep in 'Archive' when (Default) is 2 — Keep N latest
    KYSettings::FeatureType::UserConf, "LogFilesKeep.Amount"
  2. Maximum age in seconds of a file to keep in 'Archive' when (Default) is 3 — Keep max-age
    KYSettings::InitInteger(KYSettings::FeatureType::UserConf, "LogFilesKeep.MaxAge"

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