Frequently Asked Question

Using Trigger Mode in Chameleon Simulator
Last Updated 2 years ago

The following example illustrates how to configure the trigger to the Chameleon Simulator:

1. To set the trigger in Chameleon use the following configurations:
"Trigger Mode" = "Triggered"
"Trigger Activation" = "RisingEdge"
"Trigger Source" = "Camera Trigger"

"SimulationTriggerMode" = "Triggered"
"SimulationTriggerActivation" = "RisingEdge"
"SimulationTriggerSource" = "KY_CAM_TRIG"

2. Make sure Frame Grabber is configured to send triggers over the CoaXPress cable connected to the camera master link 0.

3. The Frame Grabber counters should indicate whether a trigger is being sent and if any trigger ack received from the camera.

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