Frequently Asked Question

CoaXPress test mode configurations
Last Updated a year ago


1). The CoaXPress Frame Grabber support Test Mode packet traffic. The test packets on the Frame Grabber are per link, therefore you need to configure and check each link where the camera is connected. The test mode packets will be received on the Frame Grabber only if the link is stable with the camera and the Test Mode is supported and initiated on the camera. It is also advised to make sure the stream from the camera is disabled to not contradict the Test Mode packets.

2). To reset the test counters you need to set the value for each to "0"

To configure the CoaXPress test mode please follow the steps:

1. In case the camera is not yet detected the link speed should be set as follows (1.x):

1.1 Open the "Frame Grabber" tab, "System Monitor Control" section


1.2 In the "Connection Channel Selector" parameter select the physical link where the camera is connected

1.3 In the "ConnectionSpeed" parameter change the connection speed to the required speed

2. Activate the CoaXPress test mode in the camera, usually by writing value 1 BigEndian to register 0x401C, value 0 to disable

3. Monitor the CoaXPress Test Mode counters on the Frame Grabber (3.x):

3.1 Open the "Frame Grabber" tab, "CoaXpress" section


3.2 In the "Connection Channel Selector" parameter select the physical link where the camera is connected

3.3 In the "Connection Test Error Count" parameter check the test error count from the camera

3.4 In the "Connection Test Rx Packets" parameter check the test packets received from the camera

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