Frequently Asked Question

Checking dropped packets, CRC and FEC errors in Vision Point application
Last Updated about a month ago

Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC):

A Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) is an error detection method used in CXP Frame Grabbers to detect accidental errors in received raw data.
The CRC error counters dropped frame and dropped packet counters can be found in the Vision Point application, under the "Frame Grabber" tab, "Extended Stream Features," "Statistics and Tests," as shown in the image below.

To check the CRC error counters, You should perform the following command sequence:
1. Execute the "Acquisition Start" command
2. Execute the "Acquisition Stop" command
3. Check the CRC error counters

Please refer to the image below for reference.


Forward error correction (FEC):

For Komodo II CLHS frame grabbers:

Forward error correction (FEC) is a channel coding technique used in Fiber Frame Grabbers to detect errors in received raw data.
The FEC statistics for a specific camera and per link separately are available for view in the Vision point application:

  • Per camera: "Frame Grabber" tab -> "Extended Stream Features" -> choose the desired camera in "Camera Selector" -> "Transport Layer Control"
  • Per link: "Frame Grabber" tab -> "System Monitor Control" -> choose the desired channel in "Connection Channel Selector"

Please refer to the images below for reference.

For Komodo II CLHS frame grabbers:



For Komodo II CXP over Fiber frame grabbers:

The FEC statistics for a specific camera and per link separately are available for view in the Vision Point application:

  • Per camera: "Frame Grabber" tab -> "Extended Stream Features" -> choose the desired camera in "Camera Selector" -> "Transport Layer Control"
  • Per link: "Frame Grabber" tab -> "System Monitor Control" -> choose the desired channel in "Connection channel selector"

Please refer to the images below for reference.



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