Frequently Asked Question

Using Trigger Mode in Vision Point Application
Last Updated 3 years ago

KAYA's Frame Grabbers provide a wide variety of configurable per channel Frame Grabber and Camera Triggers. Please refer to the following examples for detailed trigger configuration steps.

Example 1:

The following example illustrates how to configure Timer 0 to be the source of the trigger to the camera.

Configure Timer 0 trigger source to create a square wave:
1) Set "TimerSelector" to "Timer0"
2) Set "TimerDelay" and "TimerDuration" to get the desired frequency. See examples below:
For 10Hz:
Set "TimerDelay" to 50000.0 (50ms)
Set "TimerDuration" to 50000.0 (50ms)
For 10KHz:
Set "TimerDelay" to 50.0 (50us)
Set "TimerDuration" to 50.0 (50us)
For 10Hz: 50,000us Delay + 50,000us Duration = 100ms total clock pulse = 10Hz
For 10KHz: 50us Delay + 50us Duration = 100us total clock pulse = 10KHz
3) Set "TimerTriggerSource" to "KY_CONTINUOUS" mode

Configure Frame Grabber for Camera Trigger Control:
1) Set "CameraSelector" to select the destination camera
2) Set "CameraTriggerActivation" to "AnyEdge"
3) Set "CameraTriggerSource" as "KY_TIMER_ACTIVE_0"
4) Set "CameraTriggerMode" to "On"

Configure Camera Trigger
1) Set "TriggerMode" in the Camera tab to "On".
2) Additional configurations might be needed to set up a trigger in the camera

Example 2:

The following example illustrates how to configure Timer 2 to define the frame rate of stream trigger for incoming data frames from the camera.

Configure Timer 2 trigger source to be active in a continuous mode:
1) Set "TimerSelector" to "Timer2"
2) Set "TimerDelay" and "TimerDuration" to get the desired frequency.
3) Set "TimerTriggerSource" to "KY_CONTINUOUS" mode

Configure Frame Grabber Stream Trigger Control:
1) Set "CameraSelector" to select the destination camera
2) Set "TriggerActivation" to "AnyEdge"
3) Set "TriggerSource" as "KY_TIMER_ACTIVE_2"
4) Set "TriggerMode" to "On."

Configure Camera Trigger
1) Set "TriggerMode" in the Camera tab to "On".
2) Additional configurations might be needed to set up a trigger in the camera

Example 3:

The following example illustrates how to configure TTL0 as an output signal source generating a square wave using connected Timer 0 at 10Hz frequency (every 100ms).
Also configuring TTL1 to be an input for an incoming signal will become the source of the camera trigger.
To complete the setup TTL0 is connected to TTL1 to pass the signal from Timer0 to the camera.
This setup generates a trail of trigger packets to the camera and a way to connect an oscilloscope, for example, to TTL0 and sample the generated signals.

Equipment Setup:
1) Connect oscilloscope to TTL0 pin
2) Connect TTL0 to TTL1 pin
3) TTL1 input will be sending triggers to the camera over coax

Configure Timer 0 trigger source configuration to create a square wave:
1) Set "TimerSelector" to "Timer0"
2) Set "TimerDelay" and "TimerDuration" to get the desired frequency.
3) Set "TimerTriggerSource" to "KY_CONTINUOUS" mode

Setting timer to be the source of TTL 0:
1) Set "LineSelector" to "KY_TTL_0"
2) Set "LineMode" to "Output"
3) Set "LineSource" as "KY_TIMER_ACTIVE_0"

Configuring TTL 1 to be the input:
1) Set "LineSelector" to "KY_TTL_1"
2) Set "LineMode" to "Intput"
3) Set "LineSource" as "Disablede"

Configure Camera Trigger Control:
1) Set "CameraSelector" to select the destination camera
2) Set "CameraTriggerMode" to "On"
3) Set "CameraTriggerActivation" to "AnyEdge"
4) Set "CameraTriggerSource" as "KY_TTL_1"

Configure Camera Trigger
1) Set "TriggerMode" in Camera tab to "On".
2) Additional configurations might be needed to set up trigger in the camera.

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