Frequently Asked Question

Upgrading KAYA Instruments' old Hardware and Software using utility for Windows
Last Updated 3 years ago

Old KAYA Instruments' Frame Grabbers and Simulator containing firmware 3.x and below are no longer supported by Vision Point 4.x and 2019.x software release.

Update of these devices, after Vision Point software has already been installed,
is somewhat difficult due to driver licensing issues and other technical issues.

This utility will serve Windows 7 users in possession of such devices, to update old
devices' firmware in this transition period.

Windows 8/10 users should perform a firmware update on Windows 7 first, to version
4.x and above using this utility. Following this, the device will be available for use on Windows 8/10 with the new Vision Point 4.x and above.

A) Before using the utility, follow these instructions to check the primary device ID.
  1. If the primary device ID is 0x1000, you may use the device on Windows 8/10 with the latest version of Vision Point SDK.
    Firmware updates may be performed if necessary.
  2. If the primary device ID is NOT 0x1000, please follow the additional steps listed below.
B) Download the firmware update relevant to your device.

C) Please download the "" utility here.

D) Follow instructions on README file located in old_device_id_update package.

E) To use the utility, place a SINGLE new firmware update file "XXX.bin" in the root directory (where "run_firmware_update.bat" script is located), and run the "run_firmware_update.bat" script.

NOTICE: The utility will install different driver versions on the computer; make sure to
allow all performed operations, including unsigned driver installation.
The utility will also perform multiple reboot/shutdown operations. Please make sure
to close all running applications, in particular ones that are using the KAYA SDK.

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