Frequently Asked Question

How to perform camera detection manually?
Last Updated 6 months ago

This procedure allows the user to specify known camera parameters instead of retrieving them from a connected camera. It can be helpful in cases:

  • debugging when automatic detection fails.
  • a camera does not implement read/write functionality over a connection with grabber
  • we need to skip the camera reset/initialization process

Manual camera detection is to be done with the presumption that camera connectivity,
topology and communication speed are known for the current discovery session.

Generally, Manual discovery is much faster and less restrictive. Nevertheless wrong
manual connectivity configurations might yield unknown results and insufficient camera initialization.

Manual discovery process steps:

  1. Determine the camera speed, the number of links, and connection order between camera channels and Frame Grabber links.
  2. Select the CameraSelector value for each camera wished to be connected and change ManualCameraMode to On state to enable Manual discovery.
  3. Set the ManualCameraConnectionConfig to determine the number of camera channels and current camera speed.
  4. For each physical connection (total amount defined by ManualCameraConnectionConfig),
    select camera channel using ManualCameraChannelSelector.
  5. Determine the correct Frame Grabber link, to which the camera channel is attached,
    using the ManualCameraFGLink configuration parameter.
  6. Now camera scan can be initiated using the camera detection button.

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