Frequently Asked Question

How to setup JetCam to trigger mode
Last Updated 3 years ago

Configure the Camera to trigger mode:

1. Set "ExposureMode" to "TriggerTimed" (or "TriggerWidth")
2. Set "ExposureTime" to desired exposure (in microseconds) (in case of "TriggerWidth," this has no effect)


Configure Frame Grabber trigger source as Timer0:
3. In the Frame Grabber tab, go to Frame Grabber I/O Control ->Timer Control, chose which "TimerSelector" you want to use, and open the Timer Selector sub menu
4. Set "TimerDelay."
5. Set "TimerDuration."
6. Set "TimerTriggerSource" to Continuous


Configure Frame Grabber trigger to Camera:
7. Go to Extended Stream Features -> camera selector -> Choose the Camera you want to trigger (you could check the camera number in camera tab) and open Camera selector menu-> Camera trigger Control
8.Set "CameraTriggerActivation" to "RisingEdge" (in case of "TriggerWidth" set to "AnyEdge")
9. Set "CameraTriggerSource" to the timer that you selected in step 3 (Timer 0 Active, for example)
10. Set "CameraTriggerMode" to "On" - this will start the camera triggering


11. Start camera acquisition.


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