Frequently Asked Question

How to configure KAYA's serial interface
Last Updated 3 years ago

KAYA's API implements serial port interface via FXCL system:

1. Make sure to set correct baud rate in CamereLink to fiber extender located in Vision Point under camera tab -> DeviceControl -> DeviceSerialPortSelector("CameraLink") -> DeviceSerialPortBaudRate

KYFG_SetCameraValueEnum_ByValueName(camHandle, "DeviceSerialPortSelector", "CameraLink");
KYFG_SetCameraValueEnum_ByValueName(camHandle, "DeviceSerialPortBaudRate", "Baud115200");

You can access 2. Camera's serial port via KAYA's serial API.
You can find more information about serial API in "C:\Program Files\KAYA Instruments\Vision Point\doc\KAYA_serial_port_API_Data_Book.pdf"

3. It is possible to access camera's serial port from Vision Point GUI.
In this case, a virtual COM port will be created using "clSerialComPortInitEx()" function from KAYA's serial API.
Connection to COM port can be achieved using standard serial terminal (e.g Tera Term).


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