Frequently Asked Question

Chameleon configuration to run file data continuously without changing buffer content
Last Updated 3 years ago

  1. Detect the device and camera
  2. Set initial camera configuration (including trigger configuration)
  3. Register even callback KYDeviceEventCallBackRegister() to get "KYDEVICE_EVENT_CAMERA_START_REQUEST" event when Frame Grabber sent the "AcquisitionStart" command
  4. Create a stream using KYFG_StreamCreate()
  5. Create user buffers using KYFG_BufferAnnounce()
  6. Register stream callback using KYFG_StreamBufferCallbackRegister() - this will be called each time a frame is sent from the Chameleon simulator.
  7. Use function KYFG_LoadFileData() to fill the buffer memory previously created.
    If you want to fill data from several files, specify the path to DIRECTORY in the "path" input variable.
  8. At this point, you should not touch the Chameleon. All other configurations and acquisition start should be performed by the Frame Grabber (i.e, DO NOT start generation in Chameleon application)
  9. KYFG_CameraStart() should be invoked when KYDEVICE_EVENT_CAMERA_START_REQUEST arrive in callback registered by KYDeviceEventCallBackRegister().

  1. For non fixed Chameleon configurations (dynamic dimensions and data source) perform points .d-.g in callback registered by KYDeviceEventCallBackRegister()
  2. To change the data in the buffers in runtime, you should do the following:
    a. In the stream callback, use KYFG_BufferGetInfo() function with KY_STREAM_BUFFER_INFO_BASE to get a buffer pointer.
    b. Copy new data to this buffer. (KYFG_LoadFileData should not be used as it fills all specified buffers)

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