Frequently Asked Question

How to check hardware device ID in Windows
Last Updated 2 months ago

The following instructions describe how to check KAYAs' hardware device ID:

  1. Open Device Manager
  2. Expand the "KAYA Instruments devices" drop-down menu
    : In most cases, if the device has an old device ID, then it will be recognized as a “PCI device“ and not as a "KAYA Instruments device"
  3. Right-click on the desired device and choose "Properties"
    NOTE: Multiple drivers related to KAYA Instruments may appear as shown in the image below.
  4. Go to the "Details" tab and select the "Hardware Ids" option from the drop-down menu
  5. An optional value of Hardware ID is as follows:
    (when 1000 is the four-character identifier for the device and the 0222 four-character subsystem identifier).

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