Frequently Asked Question

How to extract service logs on Windows
Last Updated 2 months ago

Follow the steps below in order to extract service logs:

  1. Open Registry Editor.
  2. image
  3. Open Log channel folder located in the following path:Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\KAYA Instruments (Service)\public\KYFGLib\_conf\LogChannel
  4. Change (Default) to one of the following options:
    1. File. This option allows to extract service logs into a file, located inC:\ProgramData\KAYA Instruments\Logs with the name KAYA_KYService[xxxx] where xxxx is the process id.
    2. DbgView
      This option allows to extract service logs thru DbgView application, located in C:\Program Files\KAYA Instruments\Common\bin\3rd-party
      Execute DbgView.exe under Administrator privileges and check Capture Global Win32 option, located under "Capture" tab.
  5. Restart KAYA Instruments Service using one of the these options:
    • Press 'Stop' button followed by 'Start' button via Windows "Services", as shown in the image below.
    • Run KYService_stop.bat batch script and then run KYService_start.bat batch script. The scripts are located in C:\Program Files\KAYA Instruments\Common\bin
  6. image
  7. Log file could be found following the instruction from this guide

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